Thursday, October 19, 2006

Jakes new Sweater

Jake hates sweaters. He doesn't understand the concept. In fact he rather enjoys flocking through the snow naked. Here's the latest sweater I bought him, he seems to like this one better then the others. I've sold a few more dog necklaces so business is growing...slowly.. but at least it's growing :)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

New Puppy Necklaces and Cat Collars

These beautiful pet accessories range from 10" - 15" but can be specifically customized with the colors you select and the size.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Customized Dog Necklaces

Today was fun as I got to make my first personalized Dog necklaces for Cindy and Heidi... here are pictures of the creations. I know they will look gorgeous in them!